Saturday, April 14, 2007

The New Me

Who I Am

Here I am. This lets you get acquainted with me, so you can decide whether the posts to follow are worth your time. Let me tell you a little bit about me. I am 72 years old, and burdened with all of the problems associated with the ancient. While I am able to still drive, I have some mobility problems which largely keep me at home. I live alone in an apartment in Pasadena, California.

I began my working career as a teacher in a middle school in a small town in Michigan. From there, I spent six years at Northeastern University, in Boston. There, I was employed as an administrator for a department charged with developing instructional materials and strategies for the university community. While I loved Boston, the winters there were more than a little brutal. So, in 1977, I moved to California where I've lived ever since.

Once there, I got a job at UCLA as a researcher in telecommunications. Two years later, having been bitten by the home computer bug, I founded what was one of the first educational software companies, publishing software for the Apple Computer. Four years later, I sold the company, and started a second software company, this time directed at the newly developed Macintosh. In 1990, as a result of a lawsuit filed by a competitor, the company was forced out of business.

For the next eight years, I worked as an independent consultant doing research for variety of businesses large and small. In January, 1999 I joined Earthlink, soon becoming a Senior Data Analyst. I worked in that position until April 2003, when, like 3000 others, I was laid off In a Mass Reduction of Force. Since then, I have been in semi retirement, investing in the foreign-exchange market and writing articles for number of publications.

You'll see, from time to time, articles posted here, reflecting my interests in technology, robotics, current affairs, educational reform, neuroscience, and bunch of other stuff.

Enjoy… I’ll look forward to your comments.

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