Saturday, April 14, 2007

Moral Decline Caused by? Numbers on Moral Decline::By Brent Bozell III

The thrust of the article is that the majority of Americans see the country in "moral decline," with Bozell's explanation for this phenomenon being essentially that this decline results from the media, both traditional and Internet furnished.

After reading this article, I made the following comment:

How can those, now children, teens, or young adults choose anything but immoral behavior when they see or hear of:

1. Their teachers and school administrators deliberately cheating on test scores to get more money for the school district.

2. The hypocrisy of a potential presidential candidate, who, while calling for the impeachment of a President for lying about adulterous behavior, is himself engaged in that same behavior?

3. A President, who vows to do everything to "support the troops," fails to provide long terms care to the wounded, with information about conditions at Walter Reed available four years ago?

4. An Administration which convicted two Border patrol Agents for doing their jobs, lies to obtain the desired verdict, and now allows them to suffer the brutalities of prison life as it fails to pardon them from the consequences of very lies it has used to convict them?

A Google search for "political scandal" brings up more than 2 million pages tracing the immoral/illegal behavior of our political leaders -- much of which is rewarded by reelection or monetary gain, and far less frequently punished.

Rather than blaming "the media," or the Internet, a focus on the behavior of our leaders might be far more productive in reversing a trend toward the behavior we say we do not want.

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